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Which LintEater Dryer Vent Cleaning Kit is Best for You?

Louis Greubel

By Louis Greubel

Feb 28, 2024

Which LintEater Dryer Vent Cleaning Kit is Best for You?

When it comes to dryer vent cleaning, you have two options: you can hire a professional, or you can clean your vent yourself with a dryer vent cleaning kit. There are plenty of great dryer vent cleaning kits on the market today, and at HY-C, we manufacture four of our own under our Gardus brand name:

  • LintEater
  • LintEater Pro
  • LintEater Jr.
  • LintEater Pro Jr.

With four different kits available, it’s natural to ask, “Which one is best for me? Which LintEater should I get?”

In this guide, we’ll answer exactly that. We’re going to cover the differences between our four LintEater models, including what each kit contains and what purpose each kit was designed for.

By the time you’re finished here, you’ll know exactly which LintEater you should get to clean your dryer vent most effectively.

LintEater Model Comparisons

With any dryer vent cleaning kit, there are five key aspects to consider when choosing which one to buy:

  • Price
  • Attachment style
  • Length
  • Extension kit length
  • Whether or not the kit includes accessories

In regard to LintEater, these aspects change from model to model. Here’s a table outlining the key differences between each of our four LintEater models:

  Average Price Attachment Style Length Extension Kit Accessories?
LintEater $33.99 Screw-on 12 feet 12 feet Yes
LintEater Pro $42.99 Button-link 12 feet 9 feet Yes
LintEater Jr. $19.99 Screw-on 3 feet 12 feet No
LintEater Pro Jr. $29.99 Button-link 3 feet 9 feet No

With this broad overview in mind, it’s time to start narrowing your focus to find the right LintEater for your laundry room setup. LintEater dryer vent cleaning kits are best divided into two groups: Pro models vs. non-Pro models, and Jr. models vs. non-Jr. models.

Pro Models Vs. Non-Pro Models

Let’s take a look at the original LintEater dryer vent cleaning kit. Here’s a comprehensive list of what it includes:

  • Four 36” threaded rods
  • A self-feeding auger brush head
  • A lint trap brush
  • A blockage removal tool
  • A vacuum adapter
  • A dryer/blower adapter
The contents of the LintEater dryer vent cleaning kit laid out next to its retail packaging against a white background
The contents of the original LintEater dryer vent cleaning kit

Notice the attachment method for the extension rods — they’re threaded, meaning they attach by screwing together. There is one potential disadvantage to this attachment style: if you run your drill in reverse, the threaded rods may become disconnected and get stuck in your dryer vent.

The Pro model attempts to solve this problem. The LintEater Pro dryer vent cleaning kit includes:

  • Four 36” button-link quick connect rods
  • A self-feeding auger brush head
  • A lint trap brush
  • A blockage removal tool
  • A vacuum adapter
  • A dryer/blower adapter
The contents of the LintEater Pro dryer vent cleaning kit laid out next to its retail packaging against a white background
The contents of the LintEater Pro dryer vent cleaning kit

Notice that the contents of the original LintEater and the LintEater Pro are identical, with one important exception: the Pro model features a button-link attachment style as opposed to the threaded attachment style of the original.

This button-link attachment system allows you to use your drill either in forward or reverse without the extension rods becoming disconnected.

Jr. Models vs. Non-Jr. Models

So, what’s the difference between the LintEater and the LintEater Jr. (or the LintEater Pro and the LintEater Pro Jr.)? Well, let’s take a look at what the LintEater Jr. comes with:

  • Two 18” threaded rods
  • A self-feeding auger brush head
  • A lint trap brush
The contents of the LintEater Jr. dryer vent cleaning kit laid out next to its retail packaging against a white background
The contents of the LintEater Jr. dryer vent cleaning kit

One clear difference between LintEater and LintEater Jr. is length. The original LintEater offers 12 total feet of reach, while the Jr. model offers just 3 feet.

Notice also that the Jr. model comes with fewer bells and whistles. It still comes with the auger brush head and the lint trap brush, but it doesn’t include a blockage removal tool, vacuum adapter, or dryer adapter. Like the original LintEater, LintEater Jr. uses threaded rods.

The LintEater Pro Jr. is similar to the LintEater Jr. Its kit contains:

  • Two 18” button-link quick connect rods
  • A self-feeding auger brush head
  • A lint trap brush
The contents of the LintEater Pro Jr. dryer vent cleaning kit laid out next to its retail packaging against a white background
The contents of the LintEater Pro Jr. dryer vent cleaning kit

The Pro Jr. is also a stripped-down version of the LintEater and LintEater Pro, as it doesn’t come with the blockage removal tool, vacuum adapter, or dryer adapter. Notice that it does include the same button-link attachment method of the LintEater Pro.

LintEater Extension Kits and Additional Models

Dryer vents come in all kinds of lengths. Whether your vent goes directly out through the side of your home from your laundry room or it goes up and out of your roof, a dryer vent can measure anywhere from a few feet to 40 feet or more.

For this reason, we offer additional extension rods that are compatible with all four of our LintEater models.

Four threaded LintEater extension rods laid out parallel to each other against a white background

The threaded extension rod kit comes with four 36” rods, providing an additional 12 feet of reach. It’s compatible with the LintEater (bringing its total reach to 24 feet) and the LintEater Jr. (bringing its total reach to 15 feet).

Three button-link LintEater Pro extension rods laid out parallel to each other against a white background

The LintEater Pro extension rod kit comes with three 36” rods, providing an additional 9 feet of reach. It’s compatible with the LintEater Pro (bringing its total reach to 21 feet) and the LintEater Pro Jr. (bringing its total reach to 12 feet).

HY-C is also exploring offering LintEater models in new lengths, including a 24-foot kit, a 30-foot kit, and a 42-foot kit (but these kits are still in their preliminary stages).

Which LintEater Kit Should You Get?

Now that you know the ins and outs of the LintEater, LintEater Pro, LintEater Jr., and LintEater Pro Jr., you’re probably wondering which one is best suited to your dryer vent.

A good place to start is deciding whether you should get a Pro model or a non-Pro model.

The Pro models are intended for professionals who use their dryer vent cleaning kit often. LintEater Pro and LintEater Pro Jr. utilize the button-link quick connect rods, which are less likely to become disconnected from each other.

If you plan to use your dryer vent cleaning kit very often, get a Pro model. If you plan only to use your dryer vent cleaning kit once or twice a year, save yourself the extra cost and get a LintEater or LintEater Jr. The more cost-effective, threaded rods are your best bet.

The other factor to help guide your buying decision is the length of your dryer vent (i.e., whether you should get a Jr. model or a non-Jr. model).

If your dryer vent is only a foot or two in length, save your money and get a LintEater Jr. or a LintEater Pro Jr. If you have a long vent, a 12-foot LintEater or a 9-foot LintEater Pro may be what you need (and keep in mind that extension kits are available).

Whichever kit you decide to buy, you’ll need to know how to use it. We created a guide outlining exactly how to use our LintEater dryer vent cleaning kits. After you buy your kit, be sure to follow it step by step to ensure a safe, efficient, and lint-free dryer vent.

How to Use a Dryer Vent Clenaing Kit CTA

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