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Liberty Foundry

How Much Do Liberty Foundry Co.’s Fireplace Grates Cost?

Louis Greubel

By Louis Greubel

Sep 15, 2023

How Much Do Liberty Foundry Co.’s Fireplace Grates Cost?

After years of use and abuse from roaring fires, your fireplace grate may be a little worse for wear, especially if it was a middle-of-the-road model. Maybe it’s time for a new one. But a fireplace grate is something you don’t (and shouldn’t have to!) buy very often. So the question is, “How much should I pay for a new grate?”

HY-C manufactures several styles of fireplace grates. Just one of our brands, Liberty Foundry Co., has a few distinct varieties available. In this guide, we’re going to break down the cost of each of our Liberty Foundry Co. fireplace grates. We’ll explain the factors that determine the cost of our grates and, even if you don’t think a Liberty Foundry Co. grate is the right choice for you, you’ll be able to use this pricing guide as a measuring stick against other popular brands on the market.

The Two Big Factors That Determine the Cost of a Fireplace Grate

There are a few things that determine the cost of a fireplace grate. With so many grates on the market — some of which may cost as little as $50 and others as much as $300 or more — it’s natural to wonder why there’s such a big price gap.

And while the factors that determine the cost of a fireplace grate are relatively complex, for the purpose of this guide, we’re going to focus on two of the biggest: grate material and grate size.

1. Grate Material

There are two common fireplace grate materials: cast iron and steel. Steel is the more expensive option of the two, as it’s stronger, has a higher melting point, and takes more time and energy to shape and mold.

As an example, our Sampson G500-20 cast iron grate measures 18” x 15” x 7.5” and costs around $100. Our similarly-sized Steel Bar Grates G200-18 is made of steel, measures a comparable 18” x 15” x 7.5”, and costs around $125.

2. Grate Size

The second major factor that affects the price of a fireplace grate is its size. It’s a pretty simple concept: bigger grates require more material to make, so they cost more than smaller grates made from the same material.

Our Franklin G Series consists of four cast iron grates, all with a similar, basket-style shape. The only difference between them is their dimensions. The Franklin G16 measures 15” x 9” by 5” and costs around $115, while the Franklin G27 measures 27” x 13” x 5.25” and costs upwards of $200. Bigger dimensions mean more material which means a higher cost.

Liberty Foundry Co. Fireplace Grates Pricing

Liberty Foundry Co. manufactures six lines of fireplace grates:

  1. The Franklin G Series
  2. The G800 Series
  3. The G1000 Series
  4. The G500 Sampson Series
  5. The GT SAF-T-GRATE Series
  6. The Steel Bar Grate Series

The price of each grate is determined (among other factors) by its size and the material from which it’s made. Please note that while the following price ranges are fairly accurate, prices may differ from retailer to retailer.

The Franklin G Series

Liberty Foundry Co. Franklin G Series Fireplace Grate

These one-piece, flat-bottom, basket-style fireplace grates are made from cast iron and feature a pained black finish. The Franklin G Series is available in four sizes, and their price increases with size. The G17, G22, and G27 models are also available with a longer four-inch clearance height, which provides more room toward the bottom to accommodate log lighters.

Model Front Width Retail Price
G16 15 inches $90 to $120
G17 17 inches $100 to $140
G22 22 inches $110 to $160
G27 27 inches $160 to $200

The G800 Series

Liberty Foundry Co. G800 Series Fireplace Grate

The G800 Series consists of three styles of grates: the G800-20, G800-24, and G800-27. All three basket-style grates are made of cast iron, and they come standard with a 4” leg clearance length. They feature a painted black finish and are available in three different sizes.

Model Front Width Retail Price
G800-20 20 inches $100 to $125
G800-24 24 inches $125 to $150
G800-27 27 inches $130 to $175

The G1000 Series

Liberty Foundry Co. G1000 Series Fireplace Grate

Made from heavy-duty cast iron, the G1000 Series consists of two curved, basket-style fireplace grates models. Both grates in the series come standard with a 2.5” leg clearance, but they’re also available with a 4” leg height to offer some more room to light the fire and scoop out ashes. The longer-legged models cost a bit more than the standard versions.

Model Front Width Retail Price
G1024 24 inches $220 to $240
G1024 (with 4” legs) 24 inches $220 to $245
G1028 28 inches $230 to $250
G1028 (with 4” legs) 28 inches $230 to $260

The G500 Sampson Series

Liberty Foundry Co. G500 Sampson Series Fireplace Grate

The G500 Sampson Series is one of our most robust lines of fireplace grates. These cast iron grates feature a curved design, allowing logs to roll down the grate as they burn and for new, fresh logs to be added on top. They’re modular, too; if you need to elongate your grate, you can purchase an eight-inch-wide extension section and add it to any of the five models.

Model Front Width Retail Price
G500-20 18 inches $100 to $105
G500-24 22 inches $115 to $130
G500-28 26 inches $135 to $160
G500-32 30 inches $160 to $180
G500-36 33 inches $170 to $190


Liberty Foundry Co. GT SAF-T-GRATE Series Fireplace Grate

Our GT-SAF-T-GRATE Series puts the highest emphasis on safety of any of our grates. They’re very similar to the G500 Sampson series, only bulkier, ensuring embers stay on the grate and don’t fall out of your fireplace. All three models are made from cast iron and feature a self-feeding design to keep old logs rolling down and fresh logs coming in.

Model Front Width Retail Price
GT-18 17 inches $170 to $185
GT-22 23 inches $200 to $215
GT30 30 inches $220 to $245

The Steel Bar Grate Series

Liberty Foundry Co. Steel Bar Grate Series Fireplace Grate

As its name implies, our Steel Bar Grate Series is made of steel — the only line of Liberty Foundry Co. grates not to be made from cast iron. These bar-style grates feature an ember guard mesh, ensuring burning wood stays on the grate and in your fireplace. There are four sizes available in the series, each with a black, painted finish and 4.5” of leg clearance.

Model Front Width Retail Price
G200-18 18 inches $110 to $130
G200-24 24 inches $130 to $150
G200-27 27 inches $140 to $160
G200-30 30 inches $150 to $170

Should You Get a Liberty Foundry Co. Fireplace Grate?

That entirely depends. With prices from $100 to $250, our grates tend to be more expensive than other models on the market. One of the problems with those other models, though, is that as time goes on and you use your fireplace more and more, grates made from more budget-friendly materials tend to wear and warp. In some cases, the grate may even break into pieces.

While they’re certainly more of an investment up front, Liberty Foundry Co. grates feature durable metals perfect for those who use their fireplace often. If you only light two or three fires per year, a cheaper grate may be perfect for your circumstances.

The cost of a fireplace grate is probably a topic you rarely (if ever) think about. And when it comes time to buy a new one, you may be left feeling like you have no idea what you should pay.

Now that you have some decent insight into how much a high-quality grate will cost, shop around to see if you can find one with the features to fit your budget. And if you want to give a Liberty Foundry Co. grate a try, we’ll be happy to help you find a distributor.

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