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Dryer Vent for Tight Spaces: Best 4 Solutions Compared

Louis Greubel

By Louis Greubel

Jun 26, 2024

Dryer Vent for Tight Spaces: Best 4 Solutions Compared

Clothes dryers are big, heavy machines that take up a lot of room. This means every inch of space you can save in your laundry room counts. And the best place to start is often with the dryer vent.

In order to position your dryer as close to the wall as possible, the method you use to connect your dryer to the exhaust vent can make all the difference. Luckily, there are several ingenious inventions out there designed to help you save several inches of space.

At HY-C, we manufacture one such solution called SnugDryer. And given our experience with these products, we’re going to cover four dryer vent connectors that make installing a clothes dryer in a tight space easy.

By the time you’re finished here, you’ll understand each product, its price, and its pros and cons in order to choose the best space-saving dryer vent solution for your home.

Table of contents (click to jump to a product):

Magnetic Dryer Vent

A GIF of a MagVent magnetic dryer vent connecting to the kit's wall extension vent.


Price: $60 - $78


  • Makes attachment simple and automatic
  • Allows for easy dryer vent cleaning
  • Magnet provides a secure, tight seal


  • If it’s off-center, it may not connect
  • You may have to do some aftermarket fabricating to install
  • Still uses a flexible hose

MagVent’s magnetic dryer vent is a clever product. It consists primarily of three parts:

  1. A vent extension tube
  2. A circular magnet
  3. A hose with a metal plate

All you have to do is attach the vent extension to your in-wall dryer vent and attach the hose to your dryer. When you push the dryer back into place, the magnetic force connects your dryer to the vent.

According to MagVent, the magnet is still effective even when it’s off-center by three inches. The quick-connect magnet allows for easy access for dryer vent cleaning, and the magnet itself provides a solid, airtight seal to ensure your dryer vents properly and efficiently.

On the downside, if the flexible hose bends too much, the magnet may fail to connect. Also, the vent extension piece may require some aftermarket adjustments with tin snips to make installation possible. Plus, the flexible hose may become crushed over time, inhibiting proper ventilation.

Even still, once you get everything lined up and working properly, MagVent is incredibly convenient and easy to use.


A GIF of a SnugDryer dryer vent connection kit being pushed into the wall plate and rubber gasket of the dryer vent connection point.


MSRP: $41.99


  • No flexible hose required
  • All-in-one kit (everything included)
  • Provides an airtight seal


  • Can be difficult/messy to retrofit
  • Requires some DIY capabilities
  • Not suited for vents higher than the dryer itself

SnugDryer is a HY-C product manufactured in the USA under our Gardus brand name. It consists of a rubber gasket sandwiched between two plastic plates that accommodate the included dryer vent adapter. This adapter fits inside the dryer itself and slides directly into the wall plates and rubber gasket which are, in turn, connected to the dryer wall vent.

SnugDryer completely eliminates the need for a flexible hose — the cause of most dryer vent clogs. It comes with all the hardware needed to complete its installation, and the rubber gasket provides an ultra-tight seal for maximum venting efficiency.

As caveats go, SnugDryer isn’t for all dryers. In fact, it’s often better utilized in new construction, and it can be difficult to retrofit it to an existing setup. It also requires basic or even intermediate DIY skills as you’ll have to cut open your drywall to install the kit.

If it’s right for your dryer configuration, though, SnugDryer offers a quick, easy connection to your dryer vent that helps eliminate clogs and maintain proper venting.

Recessed Dryer Vent Box

A top-down view of a recessed dryer vent box installed into a wall. A flexible vent hose attaches the dryer to the vent box.


Average Price: $30 to $45


  • Helps get dryer nearly flush to wall
  • Offers protection for flexible hoses
  • Typically made with sturdy materials


  • Still uses flexible hose
  • Requires extensive drywall modification
  • Might be too big (depending on your home’s construction)

Instead of trying to shorten the dryer vent connection point as much as possible, recessed dryer vent boxes physically move the connection point inside your wall. Manufacturers like Dryerbox make these solutions look sleek enough to appear right at home in any laundry room.

A recessed dryer vent box can help to get your dryer nearly flush with the wall behind it. The boxes themselves are usually made of relatively sturdy materials (in contrast to the next entry on this list), and they make the best possible use out of the much-maligned flexible hoses by protecting them inside the box.

That said, they do still utilize a flexible vent hose, which is prone to being crushed, resulting in decreased ventilation and increased lint clogging. They may also be too big to fit inside of some walls, too, with studs, water lines, and power lines potentially inhibiting installation.

Finally, they also require some pretty extensive DIY work that may be tough for many homeowners.

If you have room inside your walls, though, and the proper skills to install one, these recessed boxes provide a sleek, low-profile solution for dryer venting in tight spaces.

Periscope Dryer Vent

A periscope dryer vent installed on a dryer about to be pushed into the wall dryer vent.


Average price: $25


  • Can offer several feet of adjustability (depending on the model)
  • Clamps provide tight seal
  • No flexible hose used


  • May have to cut, modify
  • Made of thin-gauge aluminum (may get crushed)
  • Prone to leaking (exhaust and lint)

Periscoping dryer vents are made of two rectangular-shaped boxes that slide along one another to adjust their length. Manufactured by companies like Builders Best, their variability allows them to fit in a wide variety of dryer vent setups.

Depending on which model of periscope you buy, you may find yourself with several inches (or even feet) of adjustable length to work with. They often include clamps to provide a tight, secure seal, and they do away with the fragile, inefficient flexible vent hoses.

That said, periscope dryer vents are not without their issues. Even with their adjustability, they may require some bespoke fabricating to make them work. They’re also often made with thin-gauge aluminum, making them prone to damage. Finally, poorly constructed periscopes may not be fully sealed, causing exhaust to leak out and lint clogs to form quickly.

If your dryer vent is a good distance from the exhaust port on your dryer, a periscope may be a good choice for you. Just be sure to cover any leaks you may find with plenty of duct tape.

Which Dryer Vent Solution Is Best for You?

There you have it: four dryer venting solutions designed to help you save precious inches of space in a tight laundry room.

But which one is right for you?

The answer depends on a number of factors. Are you building a new home? Then a SnugDryer or a MagVent may be a good option for you. Are you looking to connect an existing dryer vent? You may be better off with a periscope.

Also, be sure to assess your DIY capabilities and buy the venting solution that matches. A periscope is arguably the easiest to install. SnugDryer and MagVent require basic to intermediate skills, and a recessed dryer vent box involves a more advanced install.

Take cost, installation, and the location of your vent into account, and choose the venting solution that checks all your boxes.

Interested in going with SnugDryer? Then be sure to check out our honest review of the product. It dives deeper into even more pros and cons to help you decide whether or not it’s a good fit for you.

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